Tuesday, March 7, 2023

What are you paying for Credit Card Processing?

What are you paying for credit card processing?

Merchants are constantly complaining about their merchant processing rates. But they don't ever seem to understand why they are paying so much or how to change it! At Merchant Processing Solutions Inc, we pride ourselves on consulting with our merchants to understand their frustrations, payment method and their cost of accepting credit cards. Here are some of our findings:

  • The Merchant is set up on the wrong payment method! There are basically 3 main payment methods that merchant processors use on their accounts; Interchange Plus Pricing, Tiered Pricing or Flat Rate Pricing. 
    • Interchange Plus Pricing is passing along the wholesale rates to our merchants and ONLY adding a flat (smaller) percentage for our company to do the processing and payment of transactions.

    • Tiered Pricing is qualifying credit cards into Debit (Signature) Credit, Credit, Rewards Credit, and Business/Corporate Credit cards. They basically start with a FLAT RATE and take away points for the Signature Debit Cards and then add percentage points for all of the higher categories. Its very hard to understand your rates under this method.
    • Flat Rate is just what is sounds like ONE FLAT RATE FOR ALL TRANSACTIONS! But the rate chosen for that rate is typically based on the highest credit card rates. So even for a Signature Debit Card that is .05% you would be paying 2.75% and higher and losing a lot of money if you typically accept a lot of debit type cards! 
  • We periodically find businesses using terminals to key-enter, phoned-in payments! Card-not-present transactions are typically about .30% higher than swiped transactions. And when you key-enter the card into a terminal there is an additional penalty added to your rate! We ALWAYS recommend a business use the correct equipment to give them the best rates! 

Rates are lower when the credit card is present! 

We also hear from businesses that they have NO IDEA how to get their online statements, they don't know if they have a contract or how to even call Customer Service! With Merchant Processing Solutions, this will NEVER happen! We are your local consultants, customer service person and NEVER have a contract! 

Want to learn more about how YOU can save money on credit card processing? Call us today! 

    Merchant Processing Solutions 


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