Tuesday, June 30, 2020

OMG!! I had more than 5000+ credit card sales????????

Businesses are so happy to be getting ANY BUSINESS they forget to do the basics, check their eCommerce Activity for Fraud! We heard of 2 businesses that had to pay a lot of money due to FRAUD to their merchant account! Merchants pay for the approvals and declines of credit cards, this FRAUD can be very costly for our merchants! 

Testing credit cards on YOUR WEBSITE can be very costly to your business! 

Scenario #1: Fraud perpetrators used the merchant's website to TEST credit card#s for authenticity. Once they see the card# is valid, they sell that number on the dark web! They used this merchant's website over 5000 times testing card numbers. These "DECLINES" have a cost and that cost went to the merchant. Solution: Tighten your website by making sure your website uses the FULL Resources available by your gateway to STOP FRAUD. Even it it makes your customer add more fields to the payment transaction, it protects your business! Get DECLINE Notifications if there is an occasional one or two; fine. However, if you start seeing a handful and more, call your gateway company to close your gateway until they investigate! 

Don't give anyone your credit card!
Enter it YOURSELF in a secure gateway! 

Scenario #2: One business accepts credit cards for their services. They write the customers credit cards down and the employees from that business share the cards and make purchases on those cards!!!

Solution: If you are a customer/ NEVER give anyone your credit card over the phone! Enter your credit card into a SSL/Encrypted Gateway....ONLY! As a business, you need to call your gateway and report this incident. You can even call the Federal Trade Commission and report the company committing the  
FRAUD and the FBI as they both take these types of FRAUD very seriously! 

BEWARE!! If you are a business that allowed your employees to accept credit cards with NO SUPERVISION, you are liable for money and criminal actions.  

Call us if you have any concerns: 954-938-2420
   Merchant Processing Solutions can help you protect your business!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

How YOU can leverage our talents!

What can you do to leverage your merchant processing needs and costs to grow your business?

How can you find a merchant services provider that meets YOUR criteria and NOT you meeting theirs? 

Here are some things that can differentiate merchant processors:
  • By business type - Do they have a "track record" of working with your specific industry?
    • MPS has worked with thousands of merchants over the last 18 years from ALL industries including High-Risk, eCommerce, Retail, Mobile, Mobile Apps, and Points of Sales from more than 5 different platforms! 
  • By type of equipment needed/desired - Does this processor offer ALL types of hardware and software NOT just what they carry in their inventory?
    • MPS works with more than 5 different platforms and can implement equipment and solutions from all of these; allowing each merchant the opportunity to choose solutions that best suit their business! 
  • By area - Do they have a local presence in your town, county, state? Can you have a local rep to help with consulting, purchasing, installation, training and customer service?
    • MPS is a local company with a national reach! We are headquartered in Ft Lauderdale and work hard to help our South Florida merchants grow their business! Our reps work and live right here! 
  • By language and culture -  Does this company have reps that speak your company's main language? 
    • MPS is comprised of 5 local residents and speak English and Spanish. Our founders and reps have all lived and worked in Latin American Countries and are longtime citizens in the United States adding the knowledge of language and culture that make South Florida a unique melting pot for business!
If you're having trouble figuring out what merchant  products and services would work best for your company please call us to help you understand what can be offered to meet your needs! 

Merchant Processing Solutions Inc.
Building Relationships Not Just Transactions Since 2006!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Multiple Payment Connection Points

Businesses are reimagining operating strategies in the wake of our current Pandemic and Economic Situations. Many companies built their portfolios on face-to-face sales where cash and check were more desirable but the times they are changing to telephone, website and social media sales. These payment connections require additional products and services; like customized eCommerce sites with integrated online ordering, virtual terminals, invoicing with embedded payment form and recurring bills. All of these required secure gateways. More than ever, businesses need to offer their customers multiple opportunities to purchase and easily pay for their products and services. Waiting for checks or driving around to get cash and checks cannot be part of the new model for today's businesses! 
Merchant Processing Solutions can help businesses to set up a multi-connection payment platform which can include some or all of the following:
  • Retail terminal
  • Point of Sale at location
  • Payment gateway for call centers or phone sales
  • Payment gateway for eCommerce website
    • Simple Pay Button 
    • Shopping Cart Integration
  • Invoice emails with Payment Form button embedded
  • Recurring Billing with Authorization Forms
  • Mobile Payment Acceptance on Android or IOS Smartphones
  • Mobile Apps
    • Restaurant App
    • Church App
The beauty of working with Merchant Processing Solutions is that we can integrate ALL of these payment connections under 1 merchant account, whereas other providers like to have you set up separate accounts to integrate these solutions. 

If you would like to see how you can better serve your customers and increase sales, please call us for a complimentary analysis of your business payment methods. 

Please call us at 954-938-2420

Merchant Processing Solutions Inc.

Building Relationships Not Just Transactions!