Thursday, August 18, 2022

We Give Back ....

Giving with Passion & Heart!

Yamilet Strauss & Claudia Mosley are Non-Profit Promoters! 

Working at an Orphanage 

Yamilet and Claudia have a limitless passion for helping underprivileged children in the South Florida and Latin America. They believe wholeheartedly that the only way to eradicate poverty and crime is through education. To that extent, they have worked with several charitable organizations that promote health, welfare, and education for children! With Yamilet and Claudia, it is not just about fundraising but being part of the actual solution! They have participated in community projects within the US and Latin America; bringing needed supplies and physically working to create better environments for the children they so deeply card about! Having been raised by a single mom, they understand what it takes for children to elevate themselves out of their circumstances. So, whether its building classrooms in Colombia, bringing backpacks to low-income schools in Florida or helping educate tomorrow‘s world leaders, Yamilet and Claudia are committed to making a difference and helping empower children to create their own dreams! 

Feeding families in Ommokalee FL

Helping to establish a school for orphans
in Cartagena, Colombia! 

Helping with the education of our youth in the USA!

Ever since 2010, Merchant Processing Solutions began hosting fundraising events highlighting local nonprofits and their favorite cause in Colombia, Global Dreams USA. These endeavors have allowed them to build amazing relationships with local nonprofit, and our caring business community. The events are an avenue for like-minded people to become more involved, learn how to help and do wonderful things for our fellow man! Many local restaurants and other businesses support the event venues, giving them more exposure and demonstrating their caring nature to the community. Yamilet and Claudia also feel that these fundraising events allow local business professionals an opportunity see explore the different non-profit organizations and decided for themselves which to get involved with. Amazingly enough, their clients are just as excited in supporting the causes. Their merchants value and appreciate their involvement with charities. It speaks to the caring nature of Merchant Processing Solutions and their leaders, Yamilet and Claudia! 

Merchant Processing Solutions 


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